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[Discuss] Sharing gnupg keyring among computers

Thanks guys,
I have shared my keyring in the past, but never on  my personal laptop, but
on my encrypted work laptop.

On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 2:17 PM, Richard Pieri <richard.pieri at>

> On 9/25/2017 9:30 AM, Chuck Anderson wrote:
> > You could use something like YubiKey to store GPG keys.
> You can, but I'm not sure that USB anything is a good idea for GPG keys.
> If you trust the computer enough to unlock your keys on it then the fob
> isn't adding any security to the workflow, but it adds complexity and
> inconvenience. If you don't trust that computer then plugging writable
> storage into it is a very bad idea.
> --
> Rich P.
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