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[Discuss] Fedora 27 and dnfdragora

dnfdragora is simply a graphical interface to DNF. I installed it and
tested it, but I generally use dnf on the command line. It is not needed.
The advantage of dnfdragora over the Gnome Software application is that it
will not automatically reboot your computer. For those of us who know when
to boot after an update, dnf and dnfdragora are good, but to most users the
Gnome approach is better because a reboot is always performed.

On Thu, Nov 30, 2017 at 9:33 AM, Will Rico <willrico at> wrote:

> I just upgraded from Fedora 26 to 27, and now a dnfdragora panel indicator
> appears on startup. Do I need this?  Previously, I had been relying on
> Gnome Software to alert me to updates and install them.  Gnome Software is
> still running in Fedora 27.
> I think I figured out how to stop dnfdragora from starting on boot (remove
> /etc/xdg/autostart/org.mageia.dnfdragora-updater.desktop), but not
> understanding why this changed between Fedora 26 and 27, I'm not sure
> whether I'm better off just letting it be.
> Will
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Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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