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[Discuss] LibreOffice and .docx files

Matt, the document you passed along is specific to volume license
agreements - in other words, corporate licenses. It does not apply to
Windows licenses that come with a computer bought by a normal
consumer, or by a company that just buys licensed computers and does
not have a Windows Enterprise or VDA agreement. So far as I know, the
licenses that come with computers still do not come with any virtual
machine rights.

On Thu, Dec 21, 2017 at 7:36 AM, Matthew Gillen <me at> wrote:
> On 12/11/2017 11:38 PM, Shirley M?rquez D?lcey wrote:
>> The catch is licensing. The Windows license that came with your
>> computer doesn't cover running it in a virtual machine. You'll have to
>> buy a full retail license to do that legally.
> Sorry to come to this thread late, but I don't think this is true
> anymore (it was definitely true pre-Windows7).  Starting with win7, they
> changed the OEM license rules:
>  Licensing Windows desktop operating system for use with virtual machines
>> For Windows desktop operating system software licenses acquired
>> through the OEM channel, the Windows use rights are outlined in the
>> Software License Terms that accompany the software. These license
>> terms provide use rights to run Windows locally on the licensed
>> device in a virtual operating system environment (OSE).
> So as long as you're running the windows VM on the hardware that the OEM
> Windows copy was originally shipped with, you're legal.  I've confirmed
> this works with at least the Dell OEM Win7 from a few years ago.
> Thanks,
> Matt
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