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[Discuss] Things in Hidden, Magic . Files

On 01/17/2018 05:33 PM, Mike Small wrote:
> you
> could at least get a stack trace by setting debug-on-error to true
> before you reproduce the issue.

I think I have now added that to my .emacs file. Trying to recover some 
work-value from the day, so I don't want to restart emacs now. But I'll 
see what can if I see it fire. Thanks for the suggestion.

> What you describe sounds like a module not loading early
> enough. Something loads when you m-X pdb because of an autoload or
> whatever, something that the other way can't make happen since that way
> is only between, uh, what?, your python interpreter and the
> comint/gud/gdb buffer.


Also, wondering why meta-X pdb failed then worked, and why it failed in 
the first place. As if there be some state information hanging around 
someplace one might think it shouldn't.
