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[Discuss] Converting Windows to Linux

Thanks Rich,

I learned about EFI and GPT and UEFI booting in this experience.


Steps to reproduce:
1. crash a system
2. read and learn how to fix it :-)


Greg Rundlett

On Thu, Jan 25, 2018 at 8:24 PM, Richard Pieri <richard.pieri at>

> On 1/25/2018 4:59 PM, Greg Rundlett (freephile) wrote:
> > It didn't actually overwrite the Windows EFI boot partition (FAT32) - I
> > think because it's protected / smart enough not to let me shoot myself in
> > the foot.
> A nit-pick: there is no such thing as a "Windows EFI boot partition".
> Windows uses NTFS for its boot manager partition. The EFI System
> partition is part of the EFI or UEFI firmware, independent of any and
> every OS on the system. It's usually FAT32 because FAT32 is a minimum
> requirement of the UEFI specifications.
> Anyway, don't touch the EFI System unless you know exactly what you are
> doing. Bad things can happen if it isn't exactly to EFI specs.
> --
> Rich P.
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