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[Discuss] Jekyll users, experts, developers anywhere?

Hello, all.

I am investigating software for a new blog. I've used Wordpress before and
don't want to get bogged down in it again. I did some searches for open
source blogging software, and it looks as if Jekyll might be a clean,
simple alternative that meets my requirements. (However, I'm willing to
believe that another blogging tool might be better.)

I am not the world's most technical person, so I'm looking for help. The
Jekyll Quick Start Guide begins with this sentence:

"If you already have a full Ruby <>
development environment with all headers and RubyGems
<> installed (see Jekyll?s requirements
<>), you can create a
new Jekyll site by doing the following:"

This is Greek to me. No, I don't have a Ruby development environment and
have no idea how I'd get one.

I'm looking for suggestions for user groups, forums, consultants, etc.,
etc. All suggestions gratefully received.
