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[Discuss] Running a mail server, or not

On Wed, 20 Jun 2018 10:26:41 -0400
David Rosenstrauch <darose at> wrote:

 So instead I have my mail get delivered to the mail 
> server of my hosting provider (Dreamhost).  After that I bring the
> mail over to my home email server (using fetchmail) where I run
> dovecot IMAP, exim, sieve filtering, spamassassin, and a webmail
> (roundcube).

The preceding paragraph almost completely describes my setup, except I
have no sieve and spamassassin, and I use claws-mail instead of webmail
to look at my Dovecot IMAP.

Steve Litt 
June 2018 featured book: Twenty Eight Tales of Troubleshooting