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[Discuss] Unusual error message after tar ops

Thanks for reading this.

I'm transitioning from one Ubuntu system to a new clone. Today, I used 
tar to move all my existing files from the "old" machine to the "new" 
one. Initial checks of the new machine showed the recent files that I 
moved, so I though it went well.

However, when I tried to log into the new machine again after an hour or 
two, I'm getting an unusual error message.

I'm able to log in using ssh with key-based authentication, but then I'm 
receiving a "password:" prompt. I enter what should be the password for 
the new machine, but then I get this message:

newgrp: failed to crypt password with previous salt: Invalid argument
Connection to (New machine name) closed.

All suggestion welcome, and thanks in advance.


Bill Horne