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[Discuss] Double-sided printing with web browsers

On 08/11/2018 06:55 PM, Robert Krawitz wrote:
> On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 17:56:16 -0400, epp at wrote:
>> On 08/11/2018 05:39 PM, Robert Krawitz wrote:
>>> On Sat, 11 Aug 2018 17:18:48 -0400, epp at wrote:
>>>> There is also a driver named hp-deskjet_3520_series-hpijs.ppd
>>>> available, but in trying that, not only did the footers still not
>>>> print, but the headers did not print either. In the printer listing,
>>>> there is an entry for the 3520 E-All-In-One, but it uses the same
>>>> ppd file as the standard (recommended) 3520 entry.
>>> Sounds like the margin declared in the PPD file is wrong.
>>> If you do print and select the page setup tab, do you have an option
>>> for margins?  You may want to try to set wider margins.
>>>> Headers and footers printed in LibreOffice, single-sided, I did not
>>>> see an option for double-sided printing. Web browser headers and
>>>> footers print closer to the top and bottom edges of the paper, than
>>>> where LibreOffice prints them.
>>> I'm pretty sure the option for double sided is there; I just don't
>>> recall where off the top of my head.
>> The only place where I see an option for margins is in the
>> Chrome/Chromium/Vivaldi print settings. Once this is changed to
>> Custom and I drag the bottom margin closer to the edge of the paper,
>> the footers displayed in the Print Preview window, then
>> disappear. They only reappear if I move the margin back to its
>> default setting or above the location of the footers.
> There are no options for exact placement of the footers?
> One thing to try is to print double sided on the short end rather than
> the usual long end.  This will not do the right thing (the flip side
> pages will be reversed), but it might help indicate whether it's the
> application or the printer/driver combo.  I would be inclined to
> suspect the printer and/or driver as the source of the problem,
> though.

Printing this way (in landscape mode):

Chrome printed headers and footers on all pages.

On the odd-numbered pages, Firefox did not print "X of X" (current of 
total pages) at the lower left of the page, only the current date and 
time printed at the lower right. On the even-numbered pages, the 
complete footers printed.