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[Discuss] Followup from InstallFest regarding typing of non-ASCII characters

On Tue, Oct 09, 2018 at 05:42:16PM -0400, dan moylan wrote:
> running fc28, and mutt for mail, using the following ~/.mailcap
> # .mailcap
> image/jpeg;            eog %s
> application/pdf;       evince %s
> text/html;             firefox %s
> application/msword;    libreoffice %s
> application/vnd.openxm libreoffice %s
> when i send out a message with the following attachments (as seen by mutt)
>   I     1 <no description>                        [text/plain, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.3K]
>   A     2 indypass0.jpg                                   [image/jpeg, base64, 3.1M]
>   A     3 Behind_the_Bush_score.pdf                      [applica/pdf, base64, 132K]
>   A     4 ba181019.htm                             [text/html, 7bit, us-ascii, 0.6K]
>   A     5 amz1228.htm                               [text/html, 7bit, us-ascii, 48K]
>   A     6 f-MountainDew.doc                            [applica/msword, base64, 77K]
>   A     7 gutierrez.docx                           [applica/vnd.openxm, base64, 24K]
>   A     8 leaseadd.docx                            [applica/vnd.openxm, base64, 25K]
> the .jpg, .pdf, .doc attachments are displayed correctly --
> the htm and docx files are not.
> htm:
> no explanation, just displayed as text.

There are two ways to view attachments in Mutt.  In some 1.5 version,
the default was to display text attachments as text.  I believe this
corresponds to the behavior of the default [enter] key binding.

The usual solution is to use the setting:

  auto_view text/html

The default binding of <Return> in the attachment screen is to the
function 'view-attachment', but I believe there's a second function
that either forces or does not force text attachments to be viewed as
text.  I can't recall the specifics, but I would suggest searching the
Mutt manual for HTML, and it'll probably turn up.

> docx:
> "No matching mailcap entry found.  Viewing as text."

You may need additional bits in your mailcap entry.  The default on my
system for msword is this:

$ grep msword  /etc/mailcap
application/msword; soffice --nologo --writer '%s'; edit=soffice --nologo --writer '%s'; test=test -n "$DISPLAY"; description="Microsoft Word Document"; nametemplate=%s.doc

I'd check whether Mutt has $DISPLAY set in its environment. One way to
do this is to have your muttrc set a local mutt variable, and then ask
Mutt what it is.  Something like:

set  my_display=`echo $DISPLAY`

Then in Mutt, use the colon command:

:set ?my_display

To see what it is set to.

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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