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[Discuss] Audacity has gone nuts

On Mon, Dec 3, 2018 at 7:38 PM Nancy Allison <nancythewriter7 at>

> Hi, all.
> By any chance, does anyone on this list use Audacity? I used it to record
> streaming content with no problem until it suddenly went nuts and provided
> hugely distorted sound files, as if the volume had been turned up to 10. I
> looked through the settings and even removed it and reinstalled it and
> still got the same result.

I have used Audacity but only to edit content recorded elsewhere.

My limited understanding is that Audacity record controls, the streaming
app's volume/level controls, and system master volume controls may all
interact so you get to track down all the knobs to see which one is the

Bill Ricker
bill.n1vux at