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[Discuss] Application config files

On Fri, Jul 12, 2019 at 02:07:20PM -0400, Steve Litt wrote:
> On Fri, 12 Jul 2019 13:40:01 -0400
> Dan Ritter <dsr at> wrote:
> > Jerry Feldman wrote: 
> > > I have an application that I wrote where I am using a .ini style
> > > file for config. I chose that as an afterthought but maybe JSON,
> > > YAML, or TOML might be better formats.

> JSON is out from the get-go: It's not meant to be read and written by
> humans.

I largely disagree.  If it's currently in INI format the equivalent
JSON should generally be perfectly human-readable, e.g.:

    "thingy": {
        "name":  "foo",
        "ip":    "",
        "value": 1,
        "live":  true,
        "notes": null

Here, "thingy" would be equivalent to your [section] and then its
fields are the name-value pairs of that section.

The advantages of JSON are that it's pretty ubiquitous, there are
parsers to read and write the file available already in pretty much
every language, so it's less code you have to write and test yourself,
and if you ever want to switch languages this is a non-issue.  Plus,
the code needed to parse the file is generally trivial, especially in

    >>> import json
    >>> data = '''
    ... {
    ...     "thingy": {
    ...         "name":  "foo",
    ...         "ip":    "",
    ...         "value": 1,
    ...         "live":  true,
    ...         "notes": null
    ...     }   
    ... }
    ... '''
    >>> parsed = json.loads(data)
    >>> parsed
    {u'thingy': {u'notes': None, u'ip': u'', u'live': True, u'name': u'foo', u'value': 1}}
    >>> print parsed["thingy"]["name"]

Of course, Python can do any of the mentioned options, so if you're
sure you'll stick with that, it probably really doesn't matter.

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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