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[Discuss] full disk backups

Eric Chadbourne <eric.chadbourne at> writes:

>> 2. rsync
>>    pro: reasonably simple, restartable, more efficient than dd
>>    con: lots of small files make it slow
>> 3. rsnapshot
>>    pro: reasonably simple, enforces cron usage, built on rsync,
>>         multiple snapshots possible
>>    con: same as rsync, plus multiple snapshots can make things
>>         messy

There is also a system called "rdiff-backup" which is sort of like
rsnapshot but different.  Let's you set up which directories or files
get backed up.  Always gives you a "current full image" with
incrementals back as far as you want to go.  FWIW, this is what I use to
backup my servers.

       Derek Atkins                 617-623-3745
       derek at   
       Computer and Internet Security Consultant