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[Discuss] Please help with a BASH puzzle

On 8/30/19 9:50 PM, Dale R. Worley wrote:
> discuss-request at writes:
>> From: Bill Horne <bill at>
>> I'm trying to do something that should be very easy to do, and yet I
>> can't remember how to do it, and I'm asking for help.
>> I have an alpha-numeric, sorted file, that looks like this:
>> I'm trying to remember what BASH utility, script, or? command would flag
>> the missing value (in this case, "01AD").
> Of course, the hard part is doing it without materializing the list of
> all possible words with which you want to compare your file.
> Dale

Well, I already showed two different ways of doing that, with brace 
expansions in bash and with bc, which can do base 36 math to calculate 
the next expected value.