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[Discuss] RMS in the news

On 9/18/19 1:53 AM, Rich Braun wrote:
> I?d love to hear more RMS stories. -rich

Many, many years ago...

I was once introduced to Stallman, but I had met him before, so I 
reminded him of the party, and of the conversation we had had.

He remembered me: "Oh, your *that* asshole."

One of my proudest moments, I retell it every chance I get. Kinda feel 
like now people will think I'm just heaping on because it is cool to dis 
Stallman. No, he's been worth it a long time.

I'm glad his vision of open source software is out there, he had a lot 
of influence over where we are...and I am also very glad he didn't get 
his way as to all his utopian details--because utopia is a perfect 
place, and one man's perfection and absolute utopia is another man's hell.
