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[Discuss] Accusations are not "facts". And they are disputed.

On 9/23/19 2:46 PM, Seth Gordon wrote:
> But these
> debate does not seem apposite to the simple question of whether or not
> Minsky (based on the facts that nobody seems to be disputing) committed
> sexual assault at all.
I take issue with your assertion that nobody seems to be disputing "the 
facts".  At present, it's an unproven accusation.  One person who claims 
to have been present at the time, does dispute it. Interesting that his 
statement hasn't gotten any media attention.

On his Instapundit blog (at, 
Glenn Reynolds, Professor of Law at University of Tennessee College of 
Law reports that in response to the New York Times statement:

    "In a deposition unsealed this month, a woman testified that, as a
    teenager, she was told to have sex with Marvin Minsky, a pioneer in
    artificial intelligence, on Mr. Epstein?s island in the Virgin Islands."

Astrophysicist Gregory Benford, Professor Emeritus at UC, Irvine, wrote:

    "Note, never says what happened. If Marvin had done it, she would
    say so. *I know; I was there. Minsky turned her down. Told me about
    it.* She saw us talking and didn?t approach me."  [Emphasis added.}

            Mark Rosenthal