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[Discuss] VT Acces VIA Ctrl+Alt+Fn

On 11/30/19 7:29 PM, jbk wrote:
> I have a laptop running F31-Mate that does not allow VT 
> access during logged in session. I can use [ctrl+alt+f2] 
> at the greeter before login.
> /setxkbmap -print/
> /kb_keymap {//
> //??? xkb_keycodes? { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)"??? };//
> //??? xkb_types???? { include "complete"??? };//
> //??? xkb_compat??? { include "complete"??? };//
> //??? xkb_symbols?? { include 
> "pc+us+inet(evdev)+srvr_ctrl(no_srvr_keys)"??? };//
> //??? xkb_geometry? { include "pc(pc105)"??? };//
> //};//
> /
> The option that is being mysteriously set is 
> /srvr_ctrl:none /and I can change this in session by 
> setting an empty option with the same command but it does 
> not persist on reboot.
> Lightdm is the WM.
> The companion command that seems to set things permanently 
> for systemd is localectl set-x11-keymap. When I ssh into 
> this same machine and issue:
> /setxkbmap -print
> xkb_keymap {
> ??? xkb_keycodes? { include "evdev+aliases(qwerty)"??? };
> ??? xkb_types???? { include "complete"??? };
> ??? xkb_compat??? { include "complete"??? };
> ??? xkb_symbols?? { include "pc+us+inet(evdev)"??? };
> ??? xkb_geometry? { include "pc(pc105)"??? };
> };
> /
> the /srvr_ctrl/ option is absent. So this is being set for 
> the logged in user.
> Any help is appreciated.
Well I found it. It is a local setting found in the 
mate-keyboard-properties tool. I just didn't recognize the 
setting for what it was the first go-round.

Jim Kelly-Rand
jbk at