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[Discuss] Not Able to Access Fedoraforum Within Home Comcast Network

On 12/4/19 7:56 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> Dan Ritter wrote:
>> jbk wrote:
>>> On 12/4/19 5:15 AM, Steven Santos wrote:
>>>> try a different dns.
>>>> It was unreachable with the comcast dns.
>>>> Works fine with and opendns
>>> Changing dns server has not succeeded yet. How long should I expect to wait
>>> before new server provides results?
>> 60 seconds, max.
> is the IP I resolved.
> It appears to be a cPanel controlled virtual server, owned by
> Endurance, which, interestingly, has offices in Burlington and
> Waltham. Oh -- they're the corporate parent of Constant Contact,
> Hostgator, Sitebuilder, and a bunch of others.
> The connectivity is via Cogent, and that might or might not be
> the issue: Cogent has a history of getting into spats with other
> major ISPs; it wouldn't be too surprising if there was a game of
> one-upsmanship going on between Comcast and Cogent. But I don't
> know, I'm just speculating.
> -dsr-
That ip agrees with what I found. The thing is I can access 
Fedoraforum at work through a comcast modem with no trouble. 
I've tried the google dns and opendns without success so far.

Is there any possibility that my dd-wrt router could be 
blocking a single address w/o me actively blocking a 
particular site? Since I'm bridged that is the direction the 
finger is going to point when comcasts tech comes so I'd 
really like to nip that in the bud.

Jim Kelly-Rand
jbk at