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[Discuss] apache

dan moylan wrote: 
> i have two computers at home, arcturas and aldeberon, both
> running fc31 and chrome browsers, and both running apache
> servers.  on arcturas, i can access my home website using
> localhost/moylan/ or arcturas/moylan/.  on aldeberon the
> same.  however neither can access the other -- i.e. if i
> try aldeberon/moylan/ from arcturas, i see:
> This site can???t be reached
> http://aldeberon/moylan/ is unreachable.
> what do i need to do?

Both of them need to know the relatiionship between names and IP 
addresses. This can be done via DNS or via /etc/hosts entries.

Then the apache servers need to know what servernames that they
are serving. This is typically in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/*
or similar, with stanzas like this:

<VirtualHost _default_:443>
                ServerAdmin webmaster at localhost
                DocumentRoot /var/www/html

_default_ should only occur zero or more times; otherwise, it
gets replaced by a full domain name.
