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[Discuss] Password managers

Oops, I missed a couple of your questions, Steve!

On May 8, 2020, Steve Litt wrote:
>I'm going to arrange for a piece of punctuation to be inserted when
>creating the password. Most accounts require a punctuation in the
>password, but they all differ as to *which* punctuation they allow.

FWIW, the pwgen command I suggested does generate punctuation in the
passwords. Sample generated password:


The pwgen -r and -y options may help you restrict the set of
characters used.

>I assume that you have a big, hairy password on this password file so
>somebody who takes possession of the password file can't brute force

The password file is protected by gpg's public key encryption, so the
attacker would need the private key and the passphrase. And yes, the
passphrase is extra hairy. :-)

>Is it inconvenient that every time you need a password, you need to
>type in your big, hairy master password? Or do you have a way of only
>typing it once?

That's determined by how you configure gpg-agent. My
~/.gnupg/gpg-agent.conf file forces the gpg passphrase to expire in 1

# gpg-agent.conf:
# Don't cache passphrases
default-cache-ttl 1
max-cache-ttl 1

# Prompt for passphrase in the CLI, not graphically.
# I compiled pinentry-tty myself due to bugs in the Ubuntu 18.04 version
# found in /usr/bin/pinentry-tty.
pinentry-program /usr/local/pinentry/bin/pinentry-tty

# Emacs integration

You can permit passphrase caching for whatever time period you prefer.
