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[Discuss] apps that change (Re: Password managers)

On 5/11/20 8:17 PM, Derek Martin wrote:
> On Fri, May 08, 2020 at 01:42:36PM -0400, Daniel Barrett wrote:
>> On May 7, 2020, Tom Metro wrote:
>>> Here are the characteristics I consider minimum acceptable for a
>>> password manager: open source implementation; [...] code that only
>>> changes when I explicitly download and install a new version; [...]
> FWIW, not exactly releated to this thread, but this is my problem with
> apps, particularly phone apps but it applies elsewhere as well.  I've
> been using some app for months/years/whatever and suddenly after an
> update, it's a totally different app with a different UI and different
> features, some of the ones I cared about the most being gone.
> Please, if you're an app writer, don't do that.  :)
That's why I stopped updating applications on my phone a 
year ago. Things just became something else. But again it 
helps that I don't use any social media.

Jim Kelly-Rand
jbk at