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[Discuss] [NatickFOSSDiscuss] Boston Linux VIRTUAL Meeting reminder, tomorrow Wednesday, May 20, 2020 Amd Ryzen

Thanks. Last night I had a prepared stream, but I had some trouble getting
it restarted. I ended up starting a new stream and it kept running until
the meeting ended.

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id: 6F6BB6E7
PGP Key fingerprint: 0EDC 2FF5 53A6 8EED 84D1  3050 5715 B88D 6F6
B B6E7

On Thu, May 21, 2020, 8:36 AM Dennis Payne via Natickfossdiscuss <
natickfossdiscuss at> wrote:

> It's actually really easy to do. You need to setup a verified youtube
> account because that is required to stream video. You create a live stream
> on youtube and get the access key. In jitsi you click over on the bottom
> right (the three dots) and select stream to youtube. After that you go into
> youtube and click go live.
> On Thu, 2020-05-21 at 01:04 +0000, Lori Nagel via Natickfossdiscuss wrote:
> Is there a way you could explain what you did for lay people so other
> Linux users groups could follow suite.  It looks like you live streamed but
> used the
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