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[Discuss] TechRadar: Big changes could be coming to Linux programming

A character I used to work with wrote his kernel code with as few spaces as
possible and with as few newlines as possible.

His 'C' code was 80+/-2 characters to a line long.

One of his sections that I was asked to look at when on the screen was a
full block of code that scrolled on and on and after running it through
'indent' it was something like fourty pages long.

He was brilliant and handled it well but he at least was willing to accept
that for support, it had to go though a code beautifier.

He turned it out and I (and one other person) had to beautify it using a
known set of flags and then add (or attempt to) comment the code to explain

On Tue, Jun 2, 2020 at 11:17 AM Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at> wrote:

> I go back to the key punch days when we used 80 column punch cards. I also
> worked on a system when we had a terminal oriented input that had to be
> converted to punch card format for transmission. While most computer
> languages today don't have a line length restriction some standards
> still apply.
> I spent many years in working with and porting other people's code, and I
> have always felt that readability is important, even in assembly code. So,
> while I think longer lines are ok, sometimes printing out the code can be
> problematic with long lines on letter size paper.
> TechRadar: Big changes could be coming to Linux programming.
> --
> Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
> Boston Linux and Unix
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    << MCT >>   Michael C Tiernan.

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