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[Discuss] Netgear ReadyShare


Thanks.? I always thought that there was a moderator who had to approve 
the posting.

I don't think it is a timing issue, the flash stick remains in the 
router.? There is one other point that I forgot to mention. In order to 
mount the share on Linux, I need the following mount command:

mount -t cifs -o sec=ntlm,vers=1.0,password=P1stach10 
//router/USB_Storage /dosd

Is the fact that it is using V1 of NTLM the problem?? I though that was 
only a security layer.

I guess I'm asking if this is a known problem, and that either a new 
router, or using dd-wrt might fix it.

	Jerry Natowitz
===>    j.natowitz (at)

On 2020-06-04 12:14, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> Jerry,
> First, we have seen this post. Sometimes you won't see your own posts. Go
> to the archives
> So as I understand it you are writing to a flash drive connected to the
> router. Could it be that the flash drive was removed before the file was
> fully written. Should not matter if the flash drive is FAT32 or NTFS. Could
> be simply a timing issue.
> On Thu, Jun 4, 2020 at 11:56 AM Jerry Natowitz <j.natowitz at> wrote:
>> I've submitted this twice without seeing it posted.  Perhaps I should
>> have been more specific, the Netgear V6300V2 router is Linux based, so
>> this is a Linux compatibility issue.
>> I have a Netgear V6300V2 router that I am trying to use a small file
>> server in addition to as Wifi router.  The problem is that when I am on
>> Windows 10 (unfortunately) and I edit a particular Excel file (.xlsx),
>> the file gets corrupted.  I don't have the same problem with that file
>> on a local drive, or editing it with LibreOffice on Linux.  After
>> getting the corruption, I can copy a fresh file over from Windows and
>> once again, Linux is okay, Windows corrupts.  After that, the next fresh
>> copy is corrupt on arrival.
>> I've seen this with several different flash drives, all formatted
>> FAT32.  ExFAT isn't supported, and I haven't tried NTFS yet.  I could
>> also try EXT4.  Any ideas on why this is happening?
>> --
>>          Jerry Natowitz
>> ===>    j.natowitz (at)
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