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[Discuss] Data Storage Survey

I've run tests with several different drive types and wondering what your
favorites are?

> What measures / attributes do you look for in a drive? (price / capacity
/ speed / energy / noise / reliability)
> Favorite INTERNAL drives to use w/Linux? (Brand / capacity / model / SSD
/ HDD)
> Favorite EXTERNAL USB drives to use w/Linux? (Brand / capacity / model)
> Do you routinely run I/O performance / speed tests prior to / during use?
> Do you follow an established storage / backup plan for your PERSONAL /
> Have you had any issues using on-disk encryption daily / backup use?
> Have you weighed the trade-offs of PMR vs SMR?

I'll recap drive performance results at the August meeting, while
discussing a new build with the Ryzen 3 3200G.

Any comments welcome,