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[Discuss] Boston Linux VIRTUAL Meeting Reminder Wednesday, June 17, 2020 How Many Ways Can You Fail? A Taxonomy of Corporate (in)Decision

When: Wednesday June 17, 2020 6:30 Q&A, 7:00 Speaker
Topic: How Many Ways Can You Fail? A Taxonomy of Corporate (in)Decision
Moderator:  Federico Lucifredi
Location: online via BlueJeans
Link to Wednesday's BlueJeans meeting: *
Note: We will post the recording within 24 to 48 hours after the meeting

Federico shares battle stories from fifteen years in technology management

Decision-making in the modern corporation is riddled with paradox: the
outward declared objective of the organization, has to contend with all too
human realities ranging from the Peter Principle to having too many cooks
in the kitchen, to the individual's perfectionism, indecision, or even
straight up cowardice. Decisions that are the lifeblood of your project can
be deferred, avoided, or derailed in perfectly legitimate and even
well-meaning ways. This can spell death for what you were tasked to build,
as success depends on implementation as much as on a good idea. You cannot
execute if decisions are not prompt, mostly correct, and accepted by the

We dissect how decisions do *not* happen, and what you can do about it.
Success in business depends on getting things done. Join us as we explore
the lost art of thinking in the corporation, and what you as a tiny but
revolutionary-minded cog can do about it.

Federico Lucifredi is The Ceph Storage Product Management Director at Red
Hat, formerly the Ubuntu Server PM at Canonical, and the Linux ?Systems
Management Czar? at SUSE.
Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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