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[Discuss] mount problem

i have two computers running:
  arcturas, an intel nuc10, running fc31, and
  aldeberon, an asus aspire E1-472P, also running fc31.

my memory sticks always mount on /run/media/moylan for
both computers.

suddenly, for aldeberon, the memory stick refuses to mount:

moylan moylan[1116] pwd
moylan moylan[1117] ls -l ..
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 Aug 27 09:54 moylan
moylan moylan[1118] ls -l
total 0

going back to arcturas, plugging in the same memory stick:

moylan moylan[966] pwd
moylan moylan[967] ls -l ..
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 40 ao?t  27 10:46 moylan
moylan moylan[968] ls -l
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 4 moylan moylan 4096 ao?t  20 15:41 BCKUP1j

can someone suggest what might be going on?

ole dan

j. daniel moylan
84 harvard ave
brookline, ma 02446-6202
617-777-0207 (cel)
jdm at