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[Discuss] Please help with a question about Bash timeout intervals

As KB suggested, GNU Screen or tmux are both really useful for 
maintaining your session if you lose your connection.

It also might be worth trying out the Mosh remote shell 
( This leverages SSH to make the initial connection, 
but is much more robust when dealing with timeouts and IP address / 
network changes.

All three of these packages are likely to be packaged for whatever 
distribution you use.

Best regards,


On 10/2/20 7:00 PM, Kent Borg wrote:
> On 10/2/20 3:44 PM, E. William Horne wrote:
>> The work requires frequent visits to various web sites, and searches 
>> to obtain more information. Because of that, I often find that my ssh 
>> session has timed out, and that I must login again to continue working.
>> Please tell me about the timeout intervals which are customary in 
>> Ubuntu Linux, in Bash, and in ssh: I need to extend them.
> Not an answer to your question, but a suggestion, and you might 
> already be doing this: use "screen" and you can at least resume your 
> previous session and pick up where you left off.
> It has a bunch of features but the minimal you need to learn to fire 
> it up and reconnect when disconnected isn't too bad...
> -kb
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