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[Discuss] Conflicting Information Regarding Video Memory

epp at wrote: 
> On Sun, 11 Oct 2020 11:55:37 -0400
> Dan Ritter <dsr at> wrote:
> > You can allocate up to 768MB of RAM via BIOS options. This
> > affects the complexity of the graphics that can be rendered but
> > doesn't affect the speed very much.
> > 
> > The motherboard *should* have a PCIe2.0 x16 slot available for a
> > better graphics card. If so, you can get a new-in-box Radeon
> > 5450 for about $50 US, which will be roughly 3x faster and use
> > its own RAM instead of the main RAM.
> > 
> > -dsr-
> Thanks for the reply. 
> It's an HP (Compaq) CQ5826, it only has two open x1 slots on the
> motherboard. There are no memory settings in the BIOS.

Charming behavior on HP's part.

If you need better graphics performance, you should consider a
more current machine. Most of the desktops I see under $250 on
Craigslist this morning would be an improvement, or be one
graphics card away from being a major improvement.
