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[Discuss] firewalld rant
- Subject: [Discuss] firewalld rant
- From: me at (Matthew Gillen)
- Date: Wed, 4 Nov 2020 23:12:16 -0500
Maybe I'm getting cranky in my old age, but after giving up on my manually maintained iptables scripts that were 20 years old and trying to build everything in firewalld (and running mostly successfully for a couple years), I'm considering going back. I'm writing this to hopefully keep you from hurting your head from banging it on the wall if you're trying to do advanced things. Firewalld does not appear to be meant to mediate between networks, other than the trivial home networking case of masquerading an internal net. Everything described below was on Fedora32 / Firewalld 0.8 I've got a linux box that is my primary firewall and infrastructure services (dhcp, dns, ntp, etc). I've got a slew of VLANs on the internal side that all go into that firewall, the idea being that this main box can control inter-connects between the VLANs with layer 3 (IP) filtering. For instance, I don't want my skanky tv or playstation to be able to see the insecure services I'm running for trusted clients (smb/nfs, etc), but they need to be able to get to the internet and use DNS, DHCP. If it was just about interacting with the server box itself combined with having these internal zones masquerade out the external interface, I'm sure I'd be perfectly happy. My problem was that clients in one zone needed to talk to clients in another zone. Being the paranoid penguin I am, I have some Chinese PoE IP cameras that are great except I don't want them to talk to the outside world at all. To interact with them you need to be on the internal net or pretend like you are (i.e. VPN / ssh port forward). Likewise with my network hardware running stock firmware that keeps wanting to reach out to some cloud service. Shouldn't be to hard, right? Side note: everything was working great until a distro-upgrade to the next major version made zones unable to talk to each other. Unclear if this was a behavior change in firewalld from a new version, or if a bit got flipped in the config during upgrade. I tried to do this with 4 zones: external, desktop, restricted, internal-only. Needed a direct rule to force the internal-only traffic that wasn't destined for my internal net to be dropped. So far so good. Side note in ambiguous documentation: check out the "masquerade" option : ..."If it's present masquerading is enabled." no indication of which interface it should be set on (the internal or external; the answer is you set that option on the interface you want to masquerade /out/ of). The zones are great for setting up separate rules for interacting with the server itself (e.g. restricted only gets dns, dhcp, and ntp, while desktop gets filesharing). But the zone-to-zone transfers are wonky. If the zone has a DROP target, then the "direct rules" don't even see the traffic (i.e. trying to add a direct rule to explicitly allow internal subnets to forward to each other did nothing, because the packets got dropped before even getting to the 'direct' rules). To rub salt in the wound, ICMP pings *would* work, only the udp/tcp traffic would get dropped. Meanwhile, the scope of rich rules is unclear from the documentation, but trying to add that zone-to-zone rule within a zone as a "rich rule" didn't help any more than adding it as a "direct rule". The only way for me to reach the cameras that I could find was to set the desktop zone to "trusted", which the documentation says: "The ACCEPT target is used in trusted zone to accept every packet not matching any rule." But that disables the firewall from that zone completely (you can happily 'enable services' in that zone, but there's no need to, because everything is allowed by default). I virtually never want that. But that is the only way to get it to allow traffic between zones. It's also really weird that setting 'trusted' flag somehow makes both directions work. Also, someday when IPv6 is supported by my upstream provider, these "it's safe because it's NAT'd and doesn't need explicit firewall rules" is going to be a problem, so I'm worried about that 'accept by default' rule long term. This might all be a long way of saying I don't know how to tell firewalld how I want it to manage inter-zone traffic, but I'm pretty sure it just doesn't want to do that. The few posts I was coming across on issues related to this got responses like "that's a violation of the zone-based model". If I just put everything on my internal net in one zone, then I'm stuck writing a bunch of manual rules anyway to say things like "only allow nfs from these IP ranges", which defeats the purpose of having a higher level tool. Is Shorewall better in this regard? Thanks, Matt
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