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[Discuss] Facebook games on linux

Thanks Matt,
What she didn't tell me is that her game will no longer be played on
facebook, it is not a Windows Executable, so that changes the game.

On Tue, Dec 15, 2020 at 12:43 PM Matthew Gillen <me at> wrote:

> On 12/15/2020 11:53 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> > My wife plays several Facebook games on Linux. But these are flash based
> > and will no longer work on January 1 as I have been told. She uses Chrome
> > as her browser. I'm willing to install a hack to retain flash either on
> > Chrome or Firefox.
> >
> > I am going to try to install windows 10 in a vm. I have an activation key
> > that should be valid.
> I think that these games makers will be highly motivated to move away
> from flash if they haven't already, because Flash going EOL affects
> windows too. Chrome is going to blacklist that plugin (it's already a
> real pain to use flash on Chrome to click through the warnings).  I
> believe using flash after the first of the year is going to be out of
> reach for a vast majority of non-technical facebook users, even on windows:
> > Beginning in January 2021, Adobe Flash Player will be disabled by
> > default and all versions older than KB4561600 released in June 2020
> > will be blocked.
> So I don't think a windows vm will help, and if these people want to
> stay in business they will re-write their apps in HTML5 anyway.
> FWIW, Citibank credit cards had a virtual account number app that was in
> flash that hadn't changed substantially for over a decade.  This year
> they finally ported it to not require flash.  So there's hope!
> Matt
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Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
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