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[Discuss] Debian resolv.conf

On 1/1/21 10:31 AM, Jerry Feldman wrote:
> resolv.conf can be managed by the network manager.
> Click on the wifi or ethernet icon to bring up network settings.
> For wired settings, click on ipv4 and make sure dhcp is enabled. 
> Wireless should be similar.
> I am assuming you are directly connected to the gateway you might want 
> to toggle the conbection

I used the Debian LXQt image to install. It has a connection manager 
screen (no icon). That screen is displaying six name server addresses: 
the two Comcast IPv4 DNS addresses and both the IPv6 DNS addresses are 
displayed twice. The search domain is showing Comcast's domain, but the 
resolv.conf displays the same as originally described.

I'm just going to reinstall it.