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[Discuss] Please help edit an mp4 file

The usual leading suggestions are Kdenlive, OpenShot, and Shotcut. I
haven't been doing any video editing lately so I have no recent experience
with any of them. All three are free and open source.

The overkill free but not open source video software for Linux is DaVinci
Resolve. That's a full-on professional grade application.

On Tue, Mar 2, 2021 at 2:32 PM E. William Horne <malassimilation at>

> My Quaker meeting has been having get-togethers via Zoom video
> conferencing, and our host recorded a recent meeting on the subject of
> de jure segregation.
> However, part of a video that the host streamed into the Zoom video
> conference was defective, so I'm looking for open-source software that I
> can use to cut that part out of the .mp4 recording of the meeting.
> All leads appreciated, and all suggestions welcome. Thank you for your
> time.
> Bill Horne
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