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[Discuss] Please help edit an mp4 file

I use ffmpeg, but I wrote a script to make it easier to cut out the 
beginning or end of a video:

# infile outfile (start offset as hh:mm:ss) [length as hh:mm:ss]
# Removes beginning and/or end of a file

if [ -n "${4}" ] ; then
 ??????? lengthparm="-t ${4}"
 ??????? lengthparm=""

ffmpeg -i "${1}" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -ss ${3} ${lengthparm} "${2}"

ls -alh? "${1}" "${2}"

On 3/2/21 2:30 PM, E. William Horne wrote:
> My Quaker meeting has been having get-togethers via Zoom video 
> conferencing, and our host recorded a recent meeting on the subject of 
> de jure segregation.
> However, part of a video that the host streamed into the Zoom video 
> conference was defective, so I'm looking for open-source software that 
> I can use to cut that part out of the .mp4 recording of the meeting.
> All leads appreciated, and all suggestions welcome. Thank you for your 
> time.
> Bill Horne
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