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[Discuss] bluetooth

On 3/11/2021 5:44 PM, Eric Chadbourne wrote:
> I left fedora around 5 when they purposely broke proprietary video
> drivers.? Are they more stable now?

I would characterize the situation a little differently; the distro had
rules about mainline, and for kernel modules that couldn't be in
mainline (I would lay the blame here on hardware manufactures rather
than the distro) there were not great solutions.

If you're referring specifically to nvidia, I don't use my laptop with
an nvidia card for much these days except zoom/jitsi/teams, but I've
been very happy with the nouveau driver in the last couple fedora
releases and just ignoring the mess of trying to keep up with nvidia's
broken process for linux driver management (e.g. remembering which magic
three digit number corresponded to the proper legacy driver for my
hardware after they stopped supporting my card with new releases) and
figuring out whether I need to use Xorg or wayland or whatever.  That
box has a pretty old nvidia card though, YMMV.
