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[Discuss] kindle files

Calibre can do most of this but not with DRM-encumbered files without
some extra plugins which I'm not going to explain because DMCA

On Tue, 18 May 2021 11:07:09 -0400
dan moylan <jdm at> wrote:

> a long time ago, when i had bought my first kindle reader, i
> was able to plug it into a usb port of my laptop (running
> fedora core) where it readily mounted enabling me to
> transfer files easily back and forth.  times have progressed
> (?).  i currently read my kindle files on a samsung android
> tablet to which the brookline library as well as amazon
> download books.  the library books are loans, of course, but
> i'd like to copy/transfer the books i purchase from amazon
> to the hard drive of my laptop as well as send mobi files
> from project gutenburg the other way.  i've googled for info
> on how to do this, but do not seem to be making progress.
> any suggestions?

Rich Pieri