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[Discuss] Avoiding paying Windows license in the US

El lun, 31 may 2021 a las 5:32, Bill Bogstad (<bogstad at>) escribi?:
> On Sun, May 30, 2021 at 8:05 AM Julian Daich
> <julian.daich at> wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > I got a new HP laptop from Microcenter and still did not open it- Any
> > idea how to
> > avoid paying the Windows license before installing GNU/ Linux?
> While I have heard of people managing to get small amounts of money
> back, I'm not aware of anybody doing
> this in a repeatable way in the US.   FYI, wikipedia actually has a
> relevant article on this:

Hi Bill,

Thanks. I talked today with an HP representative. for almost 40
minutes Their position was taking it as it comes with WIndows or
returning the laptop to be refunded for all. Seems that getting
refunded only for the OS is a hard and time consuming process.


> Good Luck,
> Bill Bogstad