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[Discuss] Avoiding paying Windows license in the US

On Tue, 1 Jun 2021 05:04:41 +0200
Julian Daich <julian.daich at> wrote:

> Hi Rich,
> Whatever the tech behind it is, the license states
> "By using this software, you accept these terms. If you do not accept
> them, do not use the software. instead, contact the manufacturer or
> installer to determine their return policy for a refund or credit."
> This will show up to you after you paid and they cannot force you to
> accept it.

I'm not going to argue about what is or is not enforceable license
terms. I have zero skin in that game. What I am doing here is
explaining how the Windows license enforcement mechanism works,
explaining why this mechanism makes getting that refund or credit so
onerous, and offering my advice for dealing with it (to wit: don't
bother tilting at that windmill; it's not worth your time).

Rich Pieri