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[Discuss] Name an upcoming O'Reilly book?

Hi folks,

I'm the author of O'Reilly's "Linux Pocket Guide," "SSH, The
Definitive Guide," and several other books. I'm working on a new Linux
book and I'm having trouble coming up with a good title. So I'm
soliciting your suggestions. If I choose your suggestion, I'll
personally send you fifty bucks and a free copy of the book on
publication, and you'll appear in the book's acknowledgments.

I'm looking for a title that says the following to a potential reader:

  "This is the second Linux book you should read, after you've
mastered the basics, if you really want to understand what you're
doing and increase your productivity at the command line."

The new book targets Linux users who already know basic shell skills,
common commands, text editing, sudo, simple sysadmin tasks, etc. The
sort of user who can comfortably "cd" throughout the filesystem but
has never heard of $CDPATH. The book attempts to raise their
day-to-day productivity skills to the next level, so they can (say)
whip up an original command with eight pipes and a few backticks
without thinking hard. It's a "wisdom" book that teaches generalizable
techniques that the reader can apply in new situations, rather than a
cookbook of specific tips.


If you'd like to suggest a title:

1. Email your suggestions to me directly with the subject line "Name
that book"

2. You are limited to FIVE suggestions to avoid gaming the system like this:

  $ paste -d' ' <(yes Linux) <(cat /usr/share/dict/words) | head -n100000 | mail -s 'Name that book' ...


3. If two entrants suggest the same title, the earlier one wins.

4. Deadline is this coming Sunday, June 6, at 11:59pm ET.

