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[Discuss] external drive not showing such as sdcard

On 7/9/21 10:52 PM, Eyal Sawady wrote:
> On Sat Jul 10, 2021 at 1:01 AM UTC, Eric Chadbourne wrote:
>> As a workaround I have a neat little Vivitar sdcard to USB A & C
>> adapter. Using this I have no issues.
> If you're connecting an SD card directly to your computer, it'll show up
> as /dev/mmcblkX rather than /dev/sdX, with partitions as /dev/mmcblkXpY.
> If you can't find anything there, you should check dmesg(1) to see what
> errors, if any, the mmcblk driver is reporting.


Nothing in /var/log/dmesg on startup or when inserting / removing the 
sdcard.  Also nothing in /dev starting 'mm' when inserted.

I suspect the driver is not functional.  Currently having a cup of tea 
and searching around to see if one exists.

Great suggestion though.


Eric C