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[Discuss] DST Root CA X3 Expiry and CA bundles

On 10/1/21 9:32 PM, Rich Pieri wrote:
> Some CA bundles like the one distributed with Sylpheed for Windows
> contains several expired CA certs including the now expired DST Root CA
> X3 certificate. This can cause problems with Let's Encrypt certificates
> even though the bundle has the ISRG Root X1 CA cert. In my particular
> case, Sylpheed thinks my Let's Encrypt cert is expired even though
> it clearly is not. Might be a Sylpheed bug.
> Anyway, the solution is a little bit of surgery:
> awk 'BEGIN {c=0;} /BEGIN CERT/{c++} { print > "cert." c ".pem"}' < certs.crt
> This will break the bundle up into one PEM file per certificate.
> for f in {1..127}; do echo "$f" >> certs.txt; openssl x509 -noout -text -in cert.${f}.pem >> certs.txt; done
> This parses each PEM file as text, and dumps everything into a single
> text file with the file number at the start of each cert for reference.
> 127 happens to be the number of PEM files the awk command created for
> me. Scan through the text file looking for expired certificates, delete
> the corresponding cert.X.pem file and then bundle them up again:
> for f in {1..127}; do cat cert.${f}.pem >> newcerts.crt; done
> Put the new bundle where it needs to be and you're done.

Sylpheed has not been updated in over three years.

Although at, there is some 
information posted from 2020, regarding errors relating to certificates 
that were included with the Windows version.