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[Discuss] Potential Subject for BLU Meeting

We have had many meetings on vms and containers. Vms have been around since
the 1970s. KVM has been in the mainline kernel since 2007. Containers are a
more lightweight vm.

Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
Boston Linux and Unix
PGP key id: 6F6BB6E7
PGP Key fingerprint: 0EDC 2FF5 53A6 8EED 84D1  3050 5715 B88D 6F6
B B6E7

On Fri, Oct 22, 2021, 10:34 AM Edward <epp at> wrote:

> Virtual Machines?
> I did a Google search on the BLU site for any past meetings pertaining
> to VM's and it found none.
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