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[Discuss] ideas for June 2022 presentation by Brendan Kidwell

Hi all,

Jerry Feldman and John Abreau and I via email after the May BLU meeting about the possibility of me putting together a presentation for the June 2022 BLU meeting. The actual topic has not been set yet. I came up with 4 presentation ideas. Jerry likes "Up and Running with WSL 2".

What does everyone else think of these topic ideas (below)? Which one are you most interested in?

**Also, if anyone wants to volunteer to do something else in June, scheduling me in July would be better.** But I can definitely be ready for June if there aren't any other takers.


(Note: These are all free software topics, except WSL which probably isn't technically free software.)

1: Up and Running with WSL 2 (Windows Services for Linux 2)
  * (This is a Hyper-V container setup, not a kernel API plugin like WSU.)
  * Ensure TCP connections work both from host to guest and from guest to host.
  * Understand host-to-guest and guest-to-host filesystem bridges and their mount points.
  * Install XFCE in the guest and an Xorg port for Windows on the host; launch X applications.
  * Configure Linux web app development stacks, or maybe parts of them; perhaps you want to run the database server on the host. Configure automatic starting of daemons in the guest.
  * VS Code integration with WSL.

2: Build Web Sites with ProcessWire
  * A slim PHP and MySQL-based CMS that is a great alternative to WordPress.
  * Build and populate schema in the admin/edit GUI, not just "Posts and Pages, and if you want something else you need a plugin".
  * Easy to use front-end PHP view API and skeleton code for layout templates.

3: Private Google Docs at Home with SeaFile and LibreOffice Online (and data encrypted at rest)
  * Configure a headless Ubuntu server with encrypted storage: Boots enough without encrypted volume; email notice to sysadmin; SSH in to interactively mount encrypted volume; systemd service startup resumes.
  * Install SeaFile (Python / MySQL app) for sharing files with yourself or your friends.
  * Install LibreOffice Online with integration in SeaFile for full-featured document editing experience with zero-install web browser client.

4: Watch TV and Listen to Podcasts Offline with JellyFin (also featuring HandBrake for converting formats)
  * Install a JellyFin server in your home.
  * Learn how to organize file and folder names so that JellyFin reliably matches any mainstream media content with online metadata databases (optional).
  * Use MakeMKV to decrypt retail DVD and BluRay video discs.
  * Use HandBrake to save space with reduced resolution and to transform away from inefficient formats like DVD Video.