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[Discuss] printer issue

On 6/24/22 11:21, dan moylan wrote:

> running fc36 on lenevo thinkpad T460 (alphacent), printer hp
> photosmart d110.
> because of other problems, xfinity just came and provided a
> new modem/router/wifi.  i logged into xfinity's device and
> set up reserved ip addresses for my stuff in accordance with
> /etc/hosts:
>       localhost.localdomain localhost
>       alphacent.localdomain  alphacent
>         xfinity.localdomain xfinity
>        aldeberon.localdomain aldeberon
>        d110.localdomain d110
>        unknown
>        alphacent.localdomain alphacent
>     bluedan
> all is well, except for the printer.  i went through the
> wireless setup on the printer which declared success, but
> the xfinitiy modem shows it as an offline device --
> un-pingable.
>    moylan nmp[1111] nmap -Pn > 3log
>    Starting Nmap 7.92 ( ) at 2022-06-24 11:14 EDT
>    Nmap scan report for d110.localdomain (
>    Host is up (0.10s latency).
>    All 1000 scanned ports on d110.localdomain ( are
>    in ignored states.  Not shown: 990 filtered tcp ports
>    (no-response), 10 filtered tcp ports (host-unreach)
>    Nmap done: 1 IP address (1 host up) scanned in 7.04 seconds
> what's going on?
> ole dan

I swapped out my gateway with Comcast last month because of the speed
increases back in March. My HP printer was connected to the previous and
is connected to the new, via Ethernet. The printer apparently retained
its IP address in its settings, so once it was connected to the new
gateway, it just worked.

If the above is the IP address of the printer and HPLIP is already
installed, as superuser/root, running:

hp-setup -a

in a terminal window, should otherwise configure it.