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[Discuss] ZFS on Raspberry Pi?

Kent Borg wrote: 
> Anyone here played with ZFS on a Raspberry Pi?
> It seems it should "just work" (providing one has enough RAM), but when I do
> a web search I see people talking about difficulties.

I assume that due to the Pi's funky boot process, it's not a
great candidate for your root filesystem.

I see no reason why it wouldn't work for other things, but I
would have to ask why you would want to do that. For the sake
of learning something?

The Pi has limited disk bandwidth and limited network bandwidth.
It's not a good candidate for a home fileserver. It's cheap-ish,
but it's not very cheap compared to a used PC of superior CPU,
I/O and bandwidth. It is small, but adding more than one disk to
it makes it not very small.
