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[Discuss] IDE for GNU Makefile auto-tools

GitHub, who started and currently maintain Atom, have announced that
they're sunsetting it[^1]. This is probably due to Microsoft's acquisition
of GitHub and the runaway success of VSCode. Someone could maintain a fork,
but I don't think the future looks too bright for Atom. Also, in my
experience, Atom's performance is pretty weak (Electron).

Personally, when I want something a little more graphical than neovim, I
turn to Sublime Text. It's not free software, so I'm hesitant to recommend
it, but it's usually good enough to get the job done.


On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 11:48 AM Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at> wrote:

> I generally prefer to use ATOM
> It is highly customizable and had add ons for most languages. Essentially
> until I worked for red Hat, I was an emacs user.
> --
> Jerry Feldman <gaf.linux at>
> Boston Linux and Unix
> PGP key id: 6F6BB6E7
> PGP Key fingerprint: 0EDC 2FF5 53A6 8EED 84D1  3050 5715 B88D 6F6
> B B6E7
> On Fri, Sep 23, 2022, 11:25 AM <markw at> wrote:
> > I've been using vi (vim) and GNU make for decades. Through the years,
> I've
> > tried to use an IDE, but they are all so bad for this type of project.
> > Every IDE I've used has had a very proprietary view of how it should do
> > projects. There was one on Windows years ago called CodeWright which was
> > pretty good.
> >
> > Before all that I used brief.
> >
> > Are there any IDEs that are easy to use and just a simple "drop in" to
> the
> > work flow?
> >
> > I'd like an IDE that can run make, parse the compiler output, find the
> > errors, and open the source file at the location of the error?
> >
> > I looked at KDevelop, and in 5.2 it doesn't even seem to allow you to
> edit
> > the project build tools any more.
> >
> > Any suggestions, and no, Eclipse is not an option.
> >
> > Lastly, I know I can do a lot of this with vim, ctags, etc. but I would
> > like to use some more modern tools and maybe make life a little easier.
> >
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