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[Discuss] IDE for GNU Makefile auto-tools

On Fri, Sep 23, 2022 at 11:23:11AM -0400, markw at wrote:
> I've been using vi (vim) and GNU make for decades. Through the years, I've
> tried to use an IDE, but they are all so bad for this type of project.
> Every IDE I've used has had a very proprietary view of how it should do
> projects. There was one on Windows years ago called CodeWright which was
> pretty good.
> Before all that I used brief.
> Are there any IDEs that are easy to use and just a simple "drop in" to the
> work flow?

Have you tried vscode?  I know it's Microsoft, and I don't personally
use it, but some folks here absolutely swear by it, and it gets rave
reviews.  Yes, we are a (mostly) Linux shop, and yes, it runs natively
on Linux.  Beyond that, though, I know nothing.  I still use Vim. =8^)

Derek D. Martin   GPG Key ID: 0xDFBEAD02
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