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[Discuss] seeking places for good discussion about GNU/Linux programming topics

The feedback from the list continues to guide my thinking; I thought I 
should follow up:

Regarding Bill's encouragement to look at Rust, now, with open eyes, I 
see it everywhere. I'll start
with a few tutorials and go wherever it leads. I use pointer tagging 
ubiquitously and a
memory compacting garbage collector; neither may sit well with Rust's 
type safety.

I'm following up on grg's recommendation by trying to implement support 
in one Open Source project
for some RGB mice currently missing from its codebase. Other projects 
have done the reverse engineering,
which is the hardest bit. Doing anything with USB will be new and I'm 
always entranced by blinky
LEDs, so it should be fun.

I think dsr was suggesting I set up a server and run an instance of a 
web enhanced git interface.
I could ask my brother if it's okay to add one or another on his server.

Overall, there's a ton of stuff I want to learn before moving forward, 
so I'll concentrate my energy
on self study and poking my nose into existing projects.

