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[Discuss] rsync issue

On November 2, 2022, dan moylan wrote:
> i have two home computers: aldeberan and alphacent, as well
> as a remote website, aka  some four
> years ago (almost) dan ritter gave me instructions for
> setting up passwordless rsync amongst the lot.  it's worked
> like a charm ever since, except now.  alphacent is a new
> thinkpad T470 and it seems not to work there.

A couple of additional things to try:

- Confirm on alphacent that rsync.key is present in ~/.ssh.

- Confirm on alphacent that rsync.key is loaded in your ssh-agent
(ssh-add -l) so your downsync script can use it.

- Compare ~/.ssh/config on aldeberon and alphacent to see if any SSH
client options differ for accessing

Dan Barrett
dbarrett at