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[Discuss] Suggestions for a new server machine

I have a rack mount server that I bought on ebay.? I run (free) ESXi and 
a bunch of VMs.

Mine is a bit older but here's a current example:

Note that this one doesn't have any hard drives, and they /can/ be 
expensive.? Some do come with drives though.? There are a lot of 
enterprise drives sold as "new" on eBay, newegg, etc. that are 
definitely not new.? If you see an enterprise SAS drive for $50, it's 
not new.? Enterprise SATA drives are generally cheaper than SAS.


- This is a lot of server for the money.

- Fun if you like figuring things out (I never dealt directly with 
hardware on the job)

- Huge storage possibility, but see note above about hard drives

- Hardware RAID


- They are hot and noisy

- Big (like 30" deep) and heavy (like 50 lbs.)

- There's a learning curve if you're not familiar with managing this 
type of server.? But I was able to figure everything out by searching 
the web.? Reddit's r/homelab was a great resource.


On 12/9/22 12:14 PM, Dan Ritter wrote:
> jc at  wrote:
>> Oops; I forgot to edit the subject of my question ;-)
>> Maybe this one will work better.
>> | Hi, folks.  My home linux server has been  acting  up,  and
>> | after  14  years,  it may not be long for this world.  So I
>> | thought  I'd  ask  y'all  what  you  might  suggest  as   a
>> | replacement.
> What are your needs?
> What is your budget?
> To what extent are you willing to put it together yourself?
> -dsr-
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